Unitive reality
A deep dive into understanding,
experiencing and embodying unitive reality.
Our exploration of unitive reality reveals:

unitive narrative
A unitive narrative provides an emergent cosmological, planetary, interspiritual and societal foundation to serve and support the conscious evolution of humanity and heal our collective worldview from separation to a perspective of unity in diversity.
Article - Quantum Consciousness
“may rank as one of the most wide-ranging and far-reaching scientific papers ever published”
Transformation Trilogy
The Cosmic Hologram
Sharing the latest scientific discoveries across many fields of study and all scales of existence, The Cosmic Hologram describes how our Universe is innately and meaningfully in-formed and holographically manifested and how it exists and evolves as a unified entity. 2017 Nautilus Silver Award winner. Audiobook coming late 2022.
The Story of GAIA
Sharing leading-edge scientific breakthroughs that support traditional visions of Earth as a living being - Gaia, the book details the incredible 13.8 billion-year story of our living Universe and planetary home where everything in existence has inherent meaning and evolutionary purpose.
Many Voices, One Heart
The third book of the transformation trilogy will share the story of humanity as micro-cosmic co-creators of our Universe and Gaia’s innate multidimensional sentience and evolutionary impulse and potential.
Unifying Framework
Our Unifying Framework is a working, experiential document that invites you to step into and embody a new wholeworld-view using the unique and unifying skills and personal passions special to you.
For a practical and insightful framework that informs you of your part in the bigger picture…