The Science of a WholeWorld-View
“Science of a WholeWorld-View”
Until recently, mainstream science has considered the seemingly separate and material appearance of the Universe as being its sole reality. It has held that consciousness somehow arises from the brain as an accidental result of random occurrences that enable the evolutionary emergence, and survival, of the fittest.
Now, a radically different understanding is emerging. Scientific breakthroughs and evidence at all scales of existence and across many fields of research. They instead are revealing that mind and consciousness aren’t something we have - but rather what we, and the whole world, are.
This emergent paradigm converges with profound spiritual insights and experiences of all ages and traditions. It sees the physical realm as the manifestation of a deeper, unitive and meaningfully in-formed reality.
It shows that our entire and essentially living Universe meaningfully exists and purposefully evolves from simplicity to complexity and individuated awareness.
This unitive worldview and its narrative, invite and empower a renewed realization of the inherent sanctity and universal worth and value of all existence. Crucially, they offer us renewed existential meaning and purpose for our own evolutionary potential as microcosmic co-creators of our emergent Universe
Key scientific discoveries and insights supporting this emerging perception are:
While apparently solid, physicists know that the physical world is extremely ephemeral. A hydrogen atom, for example is 99.999999999999% empty space (1).
A 2012 experimental report (2), and others since, have demonstrated that information has an innate physicality. Deleting one digitised bit, releases actual physical heat. This is in line with theoretical predictions.
Increasingly compelling evidence shows that digitized information, the basis of our most sophisticated technologies, also underpins and makes up all physical reality (3,4,5,6,7.)
The 1s and 0s of this universal ‘alphabet’ combine as meaningful, not random, instructions that literally ‘in-form’ - give form to - the laws of physics, and interconnected relationships throughout the Universe.
From non-physical, causative realms of an infinite and eternal Cosmos, our finite and closed (8) Universe emerges, with its meaningful in-formation expressed in complementary ways as conserved and quan- tised energy-matter and intropic space-time, enabling it to exist and evolve.
Within space-time, no signal can go faster than the speed of light, thus maintaining causality throughout the Universe. However, quantum mechanics only works if at a deeper level the whole Universe is a coherent and essentially unitive entity (3); a phenomenon known as nonlocality (9).
Cosmologists are also coming to the view that our Universe is holographic (10), with its 3D physical appearance projected from digital in-formation held on its 2D boundary and pixelated at the minute Planck scale (11).
As time passes, from its birth 13.8 billion years ago (Ga), the expansion of the Universe enables ever greater informational content (intropy) to be experienced within space-time; the essence of evolution (12).
This new scientific understanding shows that our Universe arises not from the implicit chaos of a ‘Big Bang’, but as an exquisitely ordered, incredibly fine-tuned, and continuing, 'Big Breath’, that embodies an inherent evolutionary impulse from simplicity to complexity.
Being holographic – which contains the information of the whole within its parts – this emergent wholeworld-view, and its evidence-based unitive narrative reveals the innate interconnectedness, interdependence, multidimensionality and unitive nature of reality.
Further Evidence
This wholeworld-view of a meaningfully in-formed and holographically manifested Universe reveals itself through universal patterns and processes; from cosmology, physics and chemistry, to biology, complex systems and in both the ‘natural’ world, and human systems and behaviours.
On cosmological scales:
The signature of the ‘cosmic hologram’ was, for the first time, seen in early 2017 in the cosmic microwave background, the relic radiation left over from the earliest epoch of our Universe that fills the whole of space (13).
Nonlocal coherence was experimentally proven in 2018, by nonlocally ‘entangling’ photons in a laboratory and starlight from as far away as 600 light years from Earth and triggered by light from 12.2 billion light years distant (14). The phenomenon gives a scientific basis to the countless examples of supernormal consciousness such as telepathy, remote viewing and Near-Death Experiences (NDEs).
The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, denoting “settled science” was awarded in recognition of such universal nonlocality.
The signature of the cosmic hologram is further evidenced by self-similar, in-formational patterns, known as fractals, which recur at widely differing scales. These extend from in- dividual atoms (15) to our Solar System (16), and to vast, galactic clusters (17).
Arising from non-physical causative ‘attractors’, on our planetary level, examples so far include:
geology and geophysics (18)
coastlines (19), topographical features, tectonic plates, river drainage systems, sizes of mountains
within ranges
meteorology, clouds (20), lightning cascades, snowflakes
chemical processes including corrosion (21)
neuroscience (22, 23)
Our collective human behaviours also reflect them, including:
movements of stock market prices by the ‘father of fractals’ Benoit Mandelbrot
internet traffic, website links and data routes (24, 25, 26)
email, snail mail and social internet group communications and web browsing (27, 28, 29)
geographic and time-based usage of mobile phones (30)
Linking such ‘natural’ and ‘human’ patterns even further, in 2015, astrophysicists tracked how, by looking at their respective densities of people and stars, cities grow in the same in-formational ways that galaxies form (31).
Researchers have even uncovered relationships linking the relative frequencies and destructive powers of earthquakes with the occurrences and scales of deaths from human conflicts (32, 33, 34.)
Purposeful Evolution
Driven by the exactitude of the in-formational relationships pervading the laws of physics, evidence is also revealing an innate and universal evolutionary impulse and directionality of our entire Universe (35). From its primordial simplicity to successive generations of stars, black holes and galaxies, led to the formations of immense interstellar clouds of hydrogen, star dust and ice. Acting as complex molecular collaboratories, their elemental abundance and finely-tuned physical and chemical properties enabled all the prebiotic building blocks of future biological life to come into being (36, 37, 38, 39, 40). Subsequently discovered in asteroid Bennu are all five nucleobases of DNA and RNA, showing their genesis in such clouds (41).
Subsequently, and likely triggered by shock waves from nearby supernovae explosions (42), portions of such clouds gravitationally collapsed into enormous numbers of planetary systems throughout our galaxy (43). Doing so, not chaotically but into harmonically resonant proto-planetary discs, proplyds, their complex attributes and dynamics (44) engendered the birth of planets able to potentially harbor the further emergence of biological organisms.
As evidence is showing, in progressively increasing numbers the presence of rocky and water planets and in habitable – sufficiently warm - zones, then provide environments able to nurture further evolution.
Our own planetary home, Gaia, is especially optimal; whose geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere has embodied an in-formationally interdependent gaiasphere for some four billion years. Pulsed, not by passive continuity, but proactively by change and challenge, evolutionary emergence has not only survived but flourished. Gaia’s innate nature is far from equilibrium and the intricate collaborations of the gaiasphere are perpetually dynamic; yet throughout providing opportunities for the biosphere to grow in complexity, diversity, and individuated self-awareness.
With regard to biological evolution, its foundational building blocks are themselves in-formationally intricate and optimally fit for purpose. The structure of DNA (45), the exact number of amino acids required for protein construction (46); their fractal folding for structural complexity (47); essential catalytic enhancements (48); extensive coding corrections (49) and RNA checks and balances to guide purposeful emergence and minimize mutations and horizontal gene transfer (HGT) mechanisms for radical and rapid emergence (50, 51) are all meaningfully and purposefully engaged.
The emergent understanding that our Universe meaningfully exists and purposefully evolves as an essentially living and unitive entity, show that we and our choices matter.
Re-membering the unity of reality instead of its illusion of separation, invites and empowers us to link up and lift up together and in doing so, to transform our world.
The scientific basis of the wholeworld-view is described more fully in the book, The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation, by Jude Currivan, 2017, Inner Traditions and which details evidence and insights from many researchers and in The Story of Gaia, by Jude Currivan, 2022.
It is also explored in A New IN-SCIght of IN-formational SCIence.
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