A New IN-SCIght of
IN-formational SCIence

By Jude Currivan PhD


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“A new IN-SCIght of INformational SCIence”



Expanding the first two laws of thermodynamics to two laws of infodynamics shows how the meaningful in-formation of our holographically manifested Universe is expressed in complementary ways as conserved and quantized energy-matter, as described by quantum theory, and the ever-increasing in-formational content or in-tropy of space-time, as described by relativity theory.

Resolving the apparent differences between the two theories, describes how our Universe respectively exists and evolves as a unified entity.

In-formationally restating the third law of thermodynamics then also reveals how the finite lifecycle of our Universe unfolds, through the expansion of space and the universal flow of time.


The primacy of mind and consciousness to the nature of reality, as espoused by Max Planck,

David Bohm and many other pioneering scientists, is the foundational premise of The

Cosmic Hologram. It shows that universal mind, articulated as digitized information and

represented as dynamic and relational patterns and processes of, vitally, meaningful

in-formation, literally in-forms the formation of our Universe.

In addition to fast growing scientific evidence at all scales of existence and across

numerous fields of research that our Universe is innately in-formed, so is compelling

evidence that its appearance is also holographically manifested.

The Cosmic Hologram describes how the meaningful in-formation of our Universe

is expressed in complementary ways as conserved and quantized energy-matter as described

by Quantum theory and as in-tropic space-time as described by Relativity theory.

Restating and expanding the first two laws of thermodynamics as two laws of

infodynamics, points to how the apparent differences between the two theories are naturally

resolved, and shows how our Universe is able to respectively exist and evolve as a unified


One, if not perhaps the most, fundamental concepts we’ll further meet in The Story of

Gaia, is that of in-tropy. Expanding the traditional concept of entropy as the number of

energetic microstates of a system, to intropy, as the informational content of a system, (both

described by the same equation) the concept of in-tropy goes one vital step further; to

describe a system’s meaningful in-formational content.

In considering intropy this way, it resolves the misperception of a contained system

(as is our entire Universe) going from order to disorder over time, to its embodying

increasing informational content. Given the innately meaningful nature of our mindful

Universe, expanding intropy further to in-tropy shows how everything within it contributes

to its overall in-tropic evolutionary flow.

Doing so, also removes the notion of negentropy or syntropy, as a somehow reversal

of entropy in an open sub-system, such as a planet or an organism, that exists far from states

of equilibrium. An ongoing flowthrough and dissipation of energy through them, enables

them to come into coherence and then continue to amass in-tropy before eventually

decohering; for example, as a result of the removal of the energy source and/or the completion of their lifecycle.

To further appreciate the infodynamics of both contained and open systems, we’ll

also reconsider and restate the third law of thermodynamics, that of the temperature of a

system, in term of infodynamics and see that it further explains why space expanding and its

temperature falling, adiabatically drives the in-formationally in-tropic Universoul lifecycle.


When key cosmological attributes are allied with this emerging understanding of the

fundamental role of information, and crucially meaningful in-formation with the

holographic principle, an integral model can be developed in which the ‘Big Breath’ of

space expanding and time flowing embodies ever-increasing in-tropic information and

evolutionary complexity through the finite lifecycle of our Universe.

Any mathematical notation is deliberately excluded here as the mathematical

formalism of the laws of physics are already articulated. Instead, this new IN-SCIght of

IN-formational SCIence, points the way to reconciling Quantum and Relativity theories and

shows how our Universe comes to exista and evolve as a unified entity

Here are the basic premises of this new IN-SCIght of IN-formational SCIence:

Information is physically real

Scientific evidence at all scales of existence and across numerous fields of research is

discovering that our Universe is fundamentally interconnected, interdependent and

ultimately unified (1,2,3,4,5,6,7.)

Whilst apparently solid, physicists have realised for many years that the physical

world is incredibly ephemeral. And an experiment reported in 2012 demonstrated the

fundamental nature of information by showing that deleting one digitized bit, releases actual

physical heat and in line with theoretical predictions (8).

This and many other examples of increasingly compelling evidence1 are showing that

such digitized information, the basis for all our computer and communications technologies,

is exactly the same as universal information, also articulated as digitized bits, that underpins

and literally makes up all physical reality.

Key attributes of our Universe

The following key attributes of the physical reality of our Universe are being progressively

supported by cosmological evidence.

Spatially, it is geometrically flat and otherwise the mathematical equivalence of

energy and matter would be violated.

It is finite. Beginning as a finite event 13.8 Ga, the WMAP analysis of CMB

wavelength distribution has a finite cutoff and on a logical basis there are no infinite

physical quantities within space-time. In addition, the great majority of hydrogen in our

Universe has already been processed into stellar nucleosynthesis and the reducing

temperature of ambient space (currently at 2.7° K) both suggest a finite end.

It is contained in space-time otherwise universal conservation of quantized

energy-matter would be violated.

Space expands and time flows from their finite origin.

It is nonlocally integrated. Bell’s Theorem requires this for Quantum Mechanics to

work and nonlocal entanglement has been experimentally demonstrated to 12.2 billion

light-years from Earth(9).

Key Framework of our Universe

Supported by a theoretical frame-work and evidence at all scales of existence and across

numerous fields of research with digitized information pixelated at the Planck scale area of

the 2-D holographic boundary/brane of space-time, the reality of our Universe is manifested

holographically1. The first direct cosmological evidence for this was demonstrated in 2017 (10).

Whereas a hologram captures information about a 3-D object onto a 2-D film, then

projects it to create the holographic appearance, or hologram, of the 3-D object,

cosmologists are realising that our entire Universe takes information held on its 2-D

boundary and holographically projects it to create the 3-D appearance of reality.

The latest scientific evidence is revealing that our Universe is a ‘cosmic hologram’

that exists and evolves as a unified and finite thought form in the infinite mind of the


Based on these premises the first two Laws of Thermodynamics can be restated and

expanded as two Laws of information; Infodynamics, as follows.

The 1st Law of Thermodynamics states that: the total energy of a contained system is

conserved through time. As:

  • Our Universe is a contained system

  • Energy and matter are equivalent – E=mc2

The total energy-matter of our Universe is conserved.

As Quantum Theory is a description of universal and quantized energy-matter, this is its

most simple and generalized statement. Further, as:

  • Information is physically real and can be expressed as energy-matter

Information expressed as the energy-matter of our Universe is universally conserved.

Thus, the 1st Law of Infodynamics states that: Information expressed as the total and

quantized energy-matter of our Universe is conserved through time.

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics states that: the total entropy of a contained system always

increases over time.

The entropy of a contained system is a measure of its energetic microstates. As:

  • Our Universe is a contained system

  • Relative time and relative space are combined as invariant space-time

  • Space-time began in a state of lowest entropy (11)

The total entropy of our Universe always increases over space-time.

As Relativity Theory is a description of space-time, this is its most simple and generalized

statement. Further, as:

  • Our Universe is manifested holographically with digitized informatio pixelated at

the Planck scale and encoded on its 2-D boundary/brane

Time flows and space expands to intropically express ever more informational content within


The flow of time itself is thus the intropic accumulation of the informational content of our


Thus the 2nd Law of Infodynamics states that: Information, expressed intropically as the

space-time of our Universe, always increases through time.

As for their Thermodynamic subset, the two Laws of Infodynamics are both required to

describe the fundamental nature of our Universe and show how Quantum and Relativity

Theories are complementary and so can be reconciled with each other – and how

respectively they enable our Universe to exist and evolve as a unified entity

The third law of Thermodynamics states that: The entropy of a sysytem approaches a

constant value as its temperature falls to absolute zero.

A correlate is that a finite system can never achieve absolute zero temperature.

In infodynamics terms the temperature of a system is a measure of its potential to sustain

further actualization of intropy through time.

In a contained system (as is our entire Universe) it is in an inverse relationship with intropy

and their interplay represents the unfolding cycle of the system; with intropy increasing and

temperature correspondingly decreasing through time.

Our Universe began at its highest Planck scale temperature and lowest Planck scale intropy

and ever since, as space has expanded and time flowed, its intropy has increased and its

temperature fallen.

In an open system, as are many subsystems of our Universe, including planets, ecosystems

and people, temperature is also a measure of its disequilibrium with its surroundings.

Energy flow and dissipation through an open system in disequilbrium is required to maintain

its temperature and so sustain its ongoing potential to actualize further intropy though time.

A new INSCight to a new IN-SCIght

A new INSCIght posits how the appearance of our Universe manifests and how its lifecycle


Foundationally though such a framework is only able to account for meaningful

in-formation, literally in-forming the emergence of energy-matter and space-time, if cosmic

mind, intelligence and consciousness are primary to and all-pervasive throughout their

universal expression.

The universal ‘alphabet’ of 1s and 0s is combined at all scales of existence to

meaningfully in-form the existence and evolution of our Universe.

The 1st Law of Infodynamics algorithmically enables our Universe to exist and the

2nd Law of Infodynamics enables the informational content (intropy) of our Universe to

increase,with the third law of infodynamics showing how reducing temperature correlates

with increasing intropy over time.

However, the primacy and all-pervasiveness of mind and consciousness are

fundamental in articulating these algorithms and the Universoul’s meaningful existence and

evolutionary impulse from in-formational simplicity to complexity and ever-increasing


And so, a new INSCIght expands further to become an IN-SCIght of IN-formational



1. J. Currivan, The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation (Rochester, Vt.:

Inner Traditions, 2017)

2. V. Vedral, Decoding Reality—The Universe as Quantum Information (Oxford, England:

Oxford University Press, 2010)

3. D. Radin, Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science and a Guide to the Secret Power

of the Universe (New York: Harmony, 2018)

4. M. Gober, An End to Upside Down Thinking (San Diego, Calif.: Waterside, 2018)

5. D. Elgin, The Living Universe (Oakland, Calif.: Berrett-Koehler, 2009)

6. M. Talbot, The Holographic Universe (New York: HarperCollins, 1996)

7. The Galileo Commission Report, Beyond a Materialist Worldview Towards an Expanded

Science (2019).

8. A. Bérut, A, Arakelyan, A. Petrosyan, et al., “Experimental Verification of Landauer’s

Principle Linking Information and Thermodynamics,” Nature 483 (2012): 187–89.

9. http://news.mit.edu/2018/light-ancient-quasars-helps-confirm-quantum-entanglement-0820

10. N. Afshordi, C. Corianò, L. Delle Rose, et.al. From Planck Data to Planck Era:

Observational Tests of Holographic Cosmology. Physical Review Letters, 2017; 118.041301

11. B. Greene, The Fabric of the Cosmos (New York: Penguin Books, 2004).

