Corona virus - Breakdown and Breakthrough are Both Now


We very much hope that in these turbulent times that you, your loved ones, organisations and networks are together finding strength, comfort and mutual support. And as members of our WholeWorld-View and Unity Community, we hope that despite the many challenges and natural feelings of concern, on an underlying level, you may have an understanding of a deeper meaning and higher purpose of the crisis that together we can attune with to discern, acknowledge and align with.

For a long time, many of us have spoken of a coming period of potential ‘breakdown and breakthrough’; a ‘breakdown’ of unsustainable systems and behaviours and a ‘breakthrough’ of an evolutionary shift of our collective consciousness from separation to unity.

Today, both are no longer in the future, but here and now.

A quote by William Arthur Ward summarises the breadth of our collective perceptions and responses as: "The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimistic expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails"

Through these great challenges and opportunities, how we choose to frame our experience, both in our being and our doing will likely become our emergent realities for many years thereafter. 

Soul modelling our lived values of compassion, unity in diversity, integrity and community, we can come together; not only to serve and support our human family but our beloved Gaia and all her children – of whom the coronavirus may perhaps be perceived as a messenger; both of a cry for help and a gift.

The metaphor of a birthing process has often been used to describe the turmoil and regenerative possibilities of such potentially transformational times. In childbirth when the crown of the baby enters the birth canal, there is no going back and the coronavirus with its crown-like appearance may symbolise all the emotions and efforts involved for the safe delivery of a cherished new-born child.

We are, all of us, not only in our community but as a global family of humanity, in this together. We will together come through this. And as the Queen as a great grandmother and as someone who lived as a young girl through WWII shared in her recent broadcast, we will meet again.