Socially isolated by society - helping London’s homeless (Covid-19)

Under One Sky.jpg

In Central London, until recently homeless people on the streets were in danger of starving to death. There has been very little food around with soup kitchens closed and very few passers-by. The government plan is to get all homeless into hotels but this seems to have stalled.

Under One Sky, Glass Door Homeless Charity and Stories For Change started an emergency initiative to provide daily food to the homeless (approx. 150 meals) on Thursday 2 April.

They have committed to keep this running until regular amenities are once again available to the homeless or they have been provided hotels.

This is critical, frontline, acting local Linking Up and Lifting Up in unity. Are you interested? Can you help?


Being able to provide meals each day for several weeks requires a great number of volunteers. We currently have 60 volunteers for this event. It is fully appreciated that this is not for everyone give the nature of the work. However if you feel comfortable with it then we could really use your help. There is no minimum - you can do 1 day here and there. Clearly if you have already had the Covid19 virus then you are in an ideal position to step in.


For the next 2 weeks there is also a need for drivers in case you’d like but not doing street work. A driving shift takes about 90 mins and involves picking up supplies and doing 4 drop offs.

If you want to join up go to Emergency Volunteers Action
See updates and photos, stories from the streets on Under One Sky’s Facebook page.

Feeding 100-200 each day clearly comes at a cost and protective gear is needed as well. We are working hard to find a food partner to supply us free / heavily discounted food. If you are in a position to donate then we’d love you to. Donate here.

Mikkel of the Under One Sky family is a Unity Community member.