Member News: Earth Restoration Services gaia, member newsJude CurrivanJuly 21, 2019trees, gaia, earth, climate, community, social
Member News: “Global Planet Authority: How We're About to Save the Biosphere” gaia, books, community newsJude CurrivanJuly 18, 2019planet, book, unity community, gaia
Podcast interview: interspecies and interdimensional communication podcasts and talks, unityJude CurrivanJuly 17, 2019interspecies communication, multiple realms, communication, gaia, cosmic hologram
Recommended: Jem Bendell's Deep Adaptation and post-sustainability ethics recommended, gaiaJude CurrivanJuly 16, 2019climate, gaia, social, hope
Recommended: TreeSisters rewriting responsibility and compassion recommended, gaiaJude CurrivanJuly 15, 2019gaia, spirituality