The Shift Underway - by Janice Dolley


“The world of tomorrow will be built upon the resolutions, aspirations and determination of men and women of today: and if that world is to be all you hope, it can only come if you declare yourself strong in spirit.”

White Eagle through Grace Cooke

This statement by White Eagle through Grace Cooke shared many decades ago is slowly coming into view as a real possibility, but if it is to be realised in our time there needs to be a significant shift from the divided, competitive and conflictual world that the mainstream media currently portray towards one in which we have begun to realise our deep interconnectedness within the oneness of all life and know that it is the ‘mediating intelligence of love’ that bind all together. Such a realisation will begin to usher in not just the whole world view as an intellectual idea but as a calling to us to the embodiment of this view in our ways of being and living so that they reflect the Golden Rule of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” which is enshrined in every faith tradition.

At the same time as expanding our awareness to encompass a vast cosmos, this shift towards embodying a unitive perspective can empower positive change. Such a change involves us in learning to transcend and include difference so that with greater tolerance and kindness we can accommodate other ethnicities, other opinions, other ways of living than the ones that we currently hold dear.

So what else might this shift require of us?

Amongst the majority of people the levels of kindness and compassion are already increasing but politicians, corporations, institutions and leaders in many fields need to consider adopting the ways of indigenous communities that revere all life as sacred as well as the African way of Ubuntu that all need to benefit so that “ I am as you are”. Slowly we are coming to recognise and value the importance of intuition balancing intellectual cognition. Slowly we will begin to see that profit regardless of the effects on other people or the planet has to shift towards our collective striving for the good of the whole.

At the same time we are undergoing an increase in the reality of telepathy, especially in autistic children. This may be preparing us for communication with beings from planets and star systems other than our own. There’s also an increase in multidimensional awareness which is enabling some people to communicate with trees, with animals, plants and even water. One example of this is the work of Vada Austin in Australia which has built on the breakthrough research of Masaru Emoto on communicating with the consciousness in water.

Such developments are hopefully ushering us towards a deeper knowing that the Supreme Creator of All that we call God is spirit, is in fact life itself and is inherent in every subatomic particle. We will then know that all life is sacred and as Albert Schweitzer famously told us we need to live in reverence for all life. Then we truly can declare that “we are strong in spirit.”

Jude Currivan