Evolutionary Leaders 1st Congress of Synergy Circles & Collaborators


Watch and listen to all the reflections from the Evolutionary Leaders circle, across multiple arenas around the world. With 70 members participating and a powerful, poetic musical performance shared too, the Synergy Circles and Collaborators have evolved and emerged as one way Evolutionary Leaders and others work together in thematic clusters for engagement and impact around the world.

We are entering a new time, dear leaders of the evolution – can you feel it?  As we watch the old dissolving around us, we can no longer hold onto the past. Instead, we look ahead to the possibilities of the new that are yearning to emerge.
Welcome to The Edge of the evolution!

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First-Ever Congress of Synergy Circles

By the Evolutionary Leaders Circle of the Source of Synergy Foundation

The thematic Synergy Circles and Collaboratories are the action arms of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle. An original concept incorporated in the founding of the Source of Synergy Foundation, these circles have been growing over several years under the masterful stewardship of Dr. Kurt Johnsonas Synergy Circles Coordinator, ably assisted recently by Co-Coordinator Roger Briggs.

On February 26th, 70 people attended the Evolutionary Leaders Circle's firstCongress of Synergy Circlesto give members of various circles and collabs a chance to exchange brief reports on their activities with one another as well as other members of the EL Circle.

Following a welcome byRev. Deborah Moldow,Director of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, and a beautiful centering byRev. Paulette Pipe,Dr. Kurt Johnsonoffered a brief introduction. Then there were updates from:

Unitive Narrative Synergy Circle – Bob Atkinson 
Media Collab – Roger Briggs
Education Collab – Jude Currivan
Eco Collab – Charles Betterton and/or Tamsin Woolley-Barker
Founding Mothers Movement/ Feminine Collab – Anodea Judith
Unity & Peace Synergy Circle [June, Sept., Oct. Event seasons] – Jon Ramer 
Sustainable Development Goals/Deep and Rapid Transformation Synergy Circle – Heidi Sparkes Guber
*** Artists Catalyzing Evolution (ACE) Synergy Circle Artistic Presentation – Omashar and Rev. Rhetta Morgan
New Generation Leaders for an Awakening World  Synergy Circle – Tatiana Speed
Conscious Business Synergy Circle – Valerie Vandermeer
Cornerstones Synergy Circle – Riane Eisler
Bio-Cultural Sacred Sites  Synergy Circle – Kurt Johnson
Unitive Justice/ Earth Governance Collab – Elena Mustakova
Prosocial & Holomovement Synergy Circles – Jeff Genung
Inner Focus Group (subset of Contact & Conscious Evolution Circle) – Jeanne White Eagle Pehrson, John Pehrson
Contact & Conscious Evolution Synergy Circle – Desiree Hurtak, Alan Steinfeld

Everyone came away inspired to ever greater synergy by the dedicated work in so many areas by these visionaries. Watch below to get a taste of all this service to a thriving world for all!

Jude Currivan