Silent minute for Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 5-9 August
From our friends Dot Maver and Wendy Thompson at Global Silent Minute…
Given the present situation on the planet we face a unique and potent opportunity to come together with the citizens of Japan in a Healing Silent Minute at the exact time the bombs were dropped. We recognise the power of Silence as Action and the tremendous opportunity for a Healing Minute of Silence. We encourage everyone to participate subjectively or via social media, and please share the invitation widely throughout your networks, in loving cooperation, Dot & Wendy
The Global Silent Minute was inspired by the Big Ben Silent Minute introduced in the Second World War by Wellesley Tudor Pole (WTP) as a “spiritual weapon” to harness the power of Silence in selfless service to be used for the benefit of all.
The DNA for the Silent Minute was forged on a battlefield outside Jerusalem in the First World War between two soldiers, when one, who knew he was not going to survive the war and could see a greater war coming, urged his comrade, to find a way to allow him, and the millions like him, on the other side of the veil – to assist in the fight for global cooperation, peace and freedom. He died on the battlefield the next day. It took 23 years for WTP to introduce the Silent Minute to harness the power of silence both sides of the veil. This simple daily act has been acknowledged as making a significant contribution to ending the war.
In the years of mobilising support for the Silent Minute, WTP asked: “How long will it take for our Leaders to realise that the full use of spiritual weapons is essential if we are to survive, and that material weapons alone will bring either disaster or stalemate?”
In this moment the Global Silent Minute is honoured to participate in a Silent Minute with the Citizens of Japan at the exact minutes that the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Every year on 6 August at 8:15am in Japan the country observes a minute of silence and this year the world will observe it with them.
6 August: 8:15am Tokyo; 9:15am Sydney; 12:15am London
5 August: 7:15pm New York
9 August: 10:58am Tokyo; 11:58am Sydney; 2:58am London
8 August: 9:58pm New York
Link to Hiroshima Nagasaki 75 ~ A LIVE Observance:
Facebook Live: World Peace Prayer; Global Silent Minute
Dot Maver & Wendy Thompson
"Lift up your eyes into the Hills. Reach up to the Summit of your understanding. Look out from there. Learn how to widen your awareness through the attainment of the stillness of complete silence. In that Silence, listen for the Voice that will teach you all things. And be at Peace!" Wellesley Tudor Pole
Unity in Silence gathers a special energy known as Silence as Action.