Living the New Story - Findhorn Foundation Community series

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Unfold your own myth and open to the magical, the miraculous

3 September 2020 - 8 April 2021

Join the Findhorn Foundation Community on the 8-month mystical journey of Self discovery

The Self discovery journey is unique, intimate, magical, mysterious, confronting yet infinitely expansive and enriching. Each of us finds our own gateway into The Great Mystery and the practices that consciously connect us with our inner self. Whether it is early dawn meditation, a retreat at a monastery, church or temple, or whether you find spiritual sanctuary neath a grove of trees, atop a majestic mountain or communing near a babbling brook, what is essential is to create silent spaces in which to deepen the Self discovery and listen to the still, small voice within. The soul quest reveals the answers to the deep, perennial questions:

  • Who am I?

  • Why am I here?

  • What is my unique journey in the universe?

  • What is my own personal myth and how can I best serve humanity’s collective cultural myth at this critical time in our evolution?

eventsEmma Briceevents