Restorative Consumption - Clean Living Crowdfunder member news, unityJude CurrivanJuly 1, 2019member news, economy, lifestyle, commerce
Video: A Walk of Hope and Unity with Sri M events, community news, unity, videoJude CurrivanJune 28, 2019video, events, unity, love, community
Recommended: Cosmometry, Exploring the HoloFractal Nature of the Cosmos books, unity, scienceJude CurrivanJune 13, 2019cosmology, book
Institute of Noetic Sciences Conference, July 18-22 events, science, unityJude CurrivanJune 1, 2019events, intogreation, science, spirituality
MIT: increased evidence of universal nonlocality science, unityJude CurrivanApril 1, 2019science, quantum physics
The first cosmological evidence of the hologram science, unityJude CurrivanNovember 2, 2018science, evidence, hologram