The seed of your future choice

Solstice Celebration with the Cosmic Cocoon
By Dr. Anneloes Smitsman and Dr. Jean Houston

Solstice is a sacred time for completions and new beginnings. The following section from our book The Quest of Rose, can help you connect with the seed of your future choice: the choice to renew your life from a new cycle of time.

“In an instant, she sees her physical body back in the ICU and realizes what’s going on. She hears what the doctors are saying about her condition, even though she’s not physically inside her body.

Mother Cosmos, please help me! It’s not my time! I don’t want to die!

Another Cosmic wave enters her consciousness, moving her away once again. She’s carried into the valley of death where she becomes aware of all that is dying and collapsing in our world, and within herself. To her surprise, this realization isn’t painful. As she tunes in further, a luminous vision opens up. The world that is dying is held within a huge Cosmic cocoon, surrounded by patterns of light that mimic the fluttering wings of a butterfly. These patterns are activating new life. Her body is inside this cocoon. There appear to be others there, too. Many others. It feels like a great womb that is generating a new becoming. It’s incredibly beautiful! What does it all mean?

The vision continues. As she explores the inner walls of the cocoon, she realizes that it’s part of a luminous Cosmic Tree, with branches and roots that extend out to form whole new worlds and realities. Her consciousness unites with this magnificent Tree of Light; totality itself wells up from the unfathomable depths within her. She becomes aware of the entire Universe, from its beginning to end, all within a single breath. She realizes that one day this universe, too, will come to an end, just like the one that preceded it. So that’s what my dreams were showing me. The end of the road does not mean the end of the journey…

From within the Cosmic Tree, she experiences how consciousness is continuous. Universes are born and die, worlds and planets are born and die, forms come and go, yet the journey continues. She remembers how our universe began as a little seedling within the Cosmic Tree, and there are plenty of other seeds there that are yet to be born. One particular little seed catches her attention. It radiates with a pulsating light that somehow feels connected with the pulse of her own heart. What’s that? she wonders.

The voice answers inside her. “This is the seed of your future choice: the choice to renew your life from a new cycle of time. It is a new code that has not yet been born.”

• To learn more about The Quest of Rose, watch our conversation with Deepak Chopra -

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newsJude Currivan