Linking Up and Lifting Up
the convergence of science and spirituality to an emergent WholeWorld-View
While science has given us powerful insights and clever technologies, its historically mainstream view of the world as being solely materialistic and made up of separate ‘things’, together with its assertion that mind somehow arises from matter, has created our collective mis-perception. It has brought us to an unsustainable state in our relationships between ourselves, between us and our planetary home, and to a schism in our collective awareness of the deeper nature of reality.
There is increasing evidence that this fragmented perspective is fundamentally wrong. Instead, new scientific discoveries at all scales of existence, and across many fields of research, are showing that our Universe is innately interconnected and exists, and evolves, as a unified entity (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
This emergent understanding is converging with what spiritual traditions and inner practices have revealed for millennia; that separation is an illusion. And crucially, as perennial wisdom teachings have also told us, that mind and consciousness aren’t something we have but, as now being progressively corroborated by science, are literally what we, and the whole world, are. Its ever more compelling indications are concurring that our Universe isn't a great 'thing' but, a great and finite 'thought' in the infinite and eternal, mind and awareness of the Cosmos.
As we heal our dis-eased perceptions of the nature of reality itself, to realise its ultimate unity expressed, experienced and evolving through the relational appearance of duality and diversity – rather than mistaking their interplay as separation – we have the opportunity to transform our behaviours and relationships with ourselves, and the whole world.
At this pivotal time, with a likely global breakdown co-existing with the potential of a breakthrough, the evolutionary impulse and opportunity is for us to wake up, grow up, clean up and show up (6, 7) . Healing the cause of our collective dis-ease also invites us now to link up to co-create co-operative and synergistic solutions to our global issues, and thereby collectively lift up8 to the emergence of our conscious evolution.
The unified reality of our Universe is being revealed as emerging from more fundamental realms. Growing scientific evidence is showing that universal mind, articulated as the 1s and 0s of digitised information, and represented as dynamic and relational patterns and processes of semiotic in-formation, literally in-forms the formation of our Universe (9, 10, 11).
In addition to being innately in-formed, the evidence is mounting that the appearance of our Universe is also holographically manifested, with its universal information pixelated on the holographic boundary of space at the minute Planck scale (12, 13, 14).
When key cosmological attributes are allied with this emerging understanding of the fundamental role of information and the holographic principle, an integral model of the cosmic hologram of our Universe can be developed in which the ‘Big Breath’ of space expanding, and time flowing, embodies ever-increasing entropic information and individuated, evolutionary, complexity and diversity, through its finite life-cycle.
By considering the laws of physics as the informational algorithms of reality in our Universe, a new INSCIght of INformational SCIence emerges that restates the two laws of thermodynamics in terms of information (infodynamics) providing general statements of Quantum and Relativity Theories, and points to their consequential reconciliation; with emergent energy-matter and space-time being complementary informational expressions, conserved and entropic respectively, that enable our Universe to exist, and evolve, as a unified entity (15).
Numerous and diverse experiments and investigations are demonstrating that fractal, in-formational and relational geometric patterns arising from more fundamental realms of existence, causation and intention abound, from individual atoms (16) to the scale of vast, galactic clusters (17).
On our planetary level, numerous instances so far investigated include1 coastlines, topographical features, tectonic plates, river drainage systems, sizes of mountains within ranges, clouds, lightning cascades, chemical processes and neuroscience (18, 19).
Their reflecting the whole in each part, their self-similarity, and the in-formational processes they embody, reveal the signature of the cosmic hologram.
Crucially, this imprint is not only being discovered throughout the natural world but, also in our collective human behaviours.
Examples of such correlations investigated to date include: movements of stock market prices, internet traffic, website links and data routes (20, 21, 22), email, snail mail, social internet group communications and web browsing (23, 24, 25), as well as our geographic and time-based usage of cell phones (26).
Cities have been found to grow in the same in-formational ways that galaxies form (27), based on their densities of people and stars respectively.
Even the in-formational relationships that link the relative frequencies and destructive powers of earthquakes are the same as those that plot the occurrences and scales of fatalities of human conflicts (28, 29, 30).
Such wide-ranging discoveries are displaying both the ‘me’ of our individual uniqueness, and the diverse yet fundamental interconnectedness of the ‘we’; not only of humanity and our planetary home, but the entirety of our Universe within the All of the Cosmos.
The new story they tell is of the physics of evolution whereby our Universe began 13.8 billion years ago, not in the chaos of the big ‘bang’, but as an incredibly ordered and fine-tuned Big Breath – embodying a ‘hard-wired’ and ongoing evolutionary impulse that evolves from simplicity to complexity and self-aware coherence (1).
This WholeWorld-View confirms that as part of its evolutionary impulse, and as micro-cosmic co-creators of its reality, we have meaning and purpose. And, at this momentous time for our species and our planetary home, if we can come to understand, experience and embody such unity awareness we can surely transform our current emergency into the emergence of our conscious evolution.
As we each respond to its inner and outer call to wake up, grow up, clean up and show up, its innate urge for coherence additionally nurtures, inspires and encourages us to link up as evermore conscious co-creators of the reality we choose to experience.
Globally, change agents and grass roots movements are progressively active in standing alongside indigenous elders and spiritual teachers around the world, who have been our collective guardians by continuing to experience and embody such unity awareness until we’ve been ready to re-member.
It is they who have told us that if humanity is then to lift up to the potential of our cosmic destiny, that: “we’re the ones we’ve been waiting for”.
The choice and the opportunity are ours.
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