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Our purpose is to empower our conscious evolution through the understanding, experiencing and embodying of unitive awareness
Our world-view drives our beliefs, thoughts, decisions, behaviours and words. Our current, dominant world-view is based on an illusion of separation, causing a collective dis-ease and now an existential threat to our future and that of our planetary home, Gaia. A WholeWorld-View perceives the fundamentally unified nature of the whole - the me, the we, and the all. A WholeWorld-View offers the science, the movements, the people, tools and most importantly the authentic hope of unitive awareness.
You have come to the right place if you're looking for:
the latest unitive scientific breakthroughs and evidence of a conscious and evolutionary Universe
fellow communities, networks, tools and examples of how we can understand, experience and embody unitive awareness
Converging with universal spiritual experiences and wisdom teachings and based on the evidence of thousands of leading edge researchers, WholeWorld-View as a team and as a movement offer a ‘unifying underpinning and framework’ to support a unitive narrative that can inspire and empower, our conscious evolution.
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